Welcome to Research In Motion Co.,Ltd.
599/321 Ratchapisek 27/1, Thailand
Welcome to Research In Motion Co.,Ltd.
599/321 Ratchapisek 27/1, Thailand
RIM founded on 30 May 2005 by 10 friends were agreed to establish the marketing research company under the name ‘SET PIECE’ with the startup tiny fund. On 15 March 2010, we changed the name to ‘RIM’ (Research In Motion) to announce what are we good at and what are we doing for our clients. Now, our group of companies serves various business solutions & services. We might be the right one for your business success path.
RESEARCH IN MOTIONWe are a comprehensive research services provider, offering expertise in both qualitative and quantitative data analysis. Our strength lies in efficiently harnessing data to support organizational expansion and continuous development. Crucially, our consultancy team specializes in various areas including retail business development, brand establishment, marketing, IT, and human resource development. This enables us to adapt to organizational changes and ensure sustained growth in the right direction
Research In Motion